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short films that I directed

Pastoral Counseling 101

Written and Directed by Richard Grahn

Staring : G August K, Richard Grahn and Hope Koepple


A comedy piece I wrote and then acted and fight choreograhed with actor and friend G August K. 

Its starts off serious with a fight scene but you watch it and wait for the punch line. This would be a great video to be used as a sermon lead in.


Richard has great vision, terrific ideas and has the ability to clearly state what it is he expects from his actors. He knows what he wants as a final result and makes sure that's what he gets. - G August K- Actor ( The Walk (2013), The Role of the POTUS Ball (2013) and The Find (2014)

The Perfect Recipe

Written and Directed by Richard Grahn

Staring  Tim Barnes


An Award-Winning short film about a man who has his own Bible study to figure out which recipe is better to digest: law or grace.



To see what Film/ Video projects I worked on , check out my IMDB page!


CLICK on the IMDB icon at the bottom of the page.

The Dream -Movie trailer

Written and Directed by Richard Grahn

Starring Tim Barnes and Barbara Clark

This Award-Wining short film can be seen at :

A Man (Tim Barnes) makes a promise to his wife (Barbara Clark)  that he will attend church with her five times a year: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Mother's Day and one day of her choice. She chooses the big game​. During the church service, he says and believes that he can carry the same cross Christ carried until God gives him a dream that changes his life forever

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